Luck In Poker

In poker it is really necessary to have a some luck. Top players need luck as well, and that "odd-Breaker" card, the famous "save by the river" can sometimes be a necessity. Well not even Gus Hansen doesn't enjoy those moments. As you can see in this moment , Gus is on a tough spot. Those Pocket Snowmen or those Two Fat Ladies on the hand of Seidel , are very difficult to imagine when you have two pairs.
Normally betting on two pairs is a tough choice, especially all-in, you can have two underpairs or face a three of a kind. Two pairs don't have good odds.  
But back at the game, as it unfolds Gus Hansen gets the lucky river card. Of  couse the Pot goes to Gus with a stunned Seidel. But this situations don't happen very often ,  try to avoid counting on them. Read well the table to see if you aren't in Seidel position as well.