It is always a good idea to keep tabs on your money and where/how you spend it, if you want to avoid getting into debt and having to worry about saving to get out of it. In Poker, it's no different. If you're serious about the game, you will want to approach it like a business, seeking indicators to improve. Records of money and other vital factors are fundamental.
So, why keep records in Poker? First of all, how else would you know if you're succeeding or not? You should keep track of your win/loss rates: how much you're making or breaking, divided by how many hours you're playing. You should also keep notes on other people you play against; this can not only help you if you play them again, but it can also allow you to capture the best traits and techniques that you encounter throughout your poker career.
Even in those bad times when you lose a lot, and you may not feel like recording a game... do it anyway. It's only for your benefit, for you to be able to identify specific aspects of your gameplay that you need to work on. Everytime you improve, as a consequence of those times where you picked up your notebook and wrote, you'll be glad you did.